InBRM-Dev-Logo-green-blue-white the bustling landscapes of New York City and New Jersey, where the skyline is adorned with luxury high-rises and historic brownstones alike, the world of real estate pulsates with opportunity and challenge in equal measure. As seasoned developers and investors, we stand at the intersection of ambition and obligation, tasked with navigating the intricate web of rent regulation that shapes our industry.

Rent regulation, born from noble intentions to protect tenants and ensure affordable housing, has undergone a metamorphosis over the years. What was once a shield for vulnerable renters has, in many cases, become a tangled thicket of constraints that bind the hands of those who strive to build, manage, and maintain the very homes we inhabit.

Let us be clear: empathy for the home dweller is paramount. We recognize the need for fair and just housing policies that shield our communities from exploitation and ensure dignified living conditions for all. However, we must also acknowledge the realities we face as stewards of these properties, grappling with soaring operational costs and regulatory burdens that threaten the viability of our endeavors.

The rising tide of expenses, from taxes and insurance to maintenance and upgrades, weighs heavily on real estate management companies. We are committed to upholding the safety and quality of our buildings, but we cannot ignore the financial strain that accompanies this responsibility. It is imperative that tenants understand the symbiotic relationship between fair rent increases and the preservation of their living spaces. By fostering mutual understanding, we can forge a path towards sustainable coexistence.

So, what can we do in the face of these challenges? First and foremost, we must unite as a collective force, leveraging our collective voice to advocate for sensible reforms that strike a balance between tenant protection and property owner viability. By engaging with policymakers, educating the public, and fostering dialogue between tenants and landlords, we can chart a course towards equitable solutions.

Furthermore, we must confront the root causes of rent regulation’s evolution, understanding its origins and aspirations. While the initial intent was noble—to safeguard against exploitation and ensure housing affordability—the unintended consequences have led to a stifling of innovation and investment in our communities. It is time to recalibrate these regulations, restoring their efficacy while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders.

Let’s make 2024 the year we all embrace the call for balance and understanding in our pursuit of excellence in metropolitan real estate. By acknowledging the complexities of rent regulation, advocating for sensible reforms, and fostering dialogue between tenants and landlords, we can cultivate a landscape where prosperity and compassion coexist harmoniously.

– Lewis Barbanel


About Lewis Barbanel: Industry Insider

Lewis Barbanel is the founder and president of BRM Development, Inc., a commercial real estate company founded in 1994. Over the past 30 years, Lewis purchased, developed, and managed over 150 properties in prime locations throughout New York City, New Jersey, and Florida. Lewis graduated from Skidmore College, receiving a B.A. in business and history.

As a third-generation real estate owner/operator, Lewis began working in 1988 for Howal Management, established by his father, Herbert Barbanel, a longtime NYC property developer and owner.

Lewis’ three decades of wisdom and experience makes him a frequently sought speaker, writer and podcast guest within the real estate investment and management arena.

About BRM-DEV: Local Expertise, Global Vision

With over three decades of experience, BRM-DEV (formally Barberry Rose Management) is an innovative, commercial real estate company founded in 1994 and currently managing properties in prime locations throughout New York City, New Jersey, and Florida.

Composed of seasoned real estate professionals who possess intimate knowledge of the NY, NJ and Florida real estate markets, BRM-DEV understands that every property is unique, and each location presents its own set of challenges and opportunities. BRM-DEV knows that effective property management goes beyond collecting rent and performing maintenance. It is about enhancing the value and culture of the property and fostering tenant satisfaction. The firm’s comprehensive approach includes meticulous lease negotiations, proactive response to tenant inquiries, managed maintenance strategies, and a commitment to open communication. Believing in a client-centric approach, the firm takes pride in maintaining strong relationships built on trust, transparency, and exceptional service.

Whether you are searching for a comfortable and functional space to call home, a property owner looking to optimize your real estate portfolio, or an investor seeking growth opportunities, BRM-DEV is here to exceed your expectations. For more information, visit

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